Since the last time I posted, there have been a few changes at our house. Walter is now wanting to be Walter B (Walter Boyd) and Emmie is walking, well maybe running is more like it. This is GREAT! We can go to the park and I don't have to hold anyone. I get to play with them. We are having a blast. Also, the evening ritual has changed from just wrestle mania to a series of events: wrestle mania on our bed with daddy, then hide and go seek, and then chase. Emmie and Walt both participate and it is hilarious. It is so funny to me to think that while pregnant with Emmie I told Boyd that he would have to find another way to play with Emmie, that she likely wouldn't enjoy wrestle mania with the boys. Boy was I wrong! She runs strait for our bed when Boyd walks in the door, if he doesn't follow she goes screaming Daddy and tapping him on the legs until he follows. Hide and go seek with a 3 year old is too funny. Boyd finds all of these great hiding places, then Walt wants to be the one to hide, so he says, "Ok, I'm going to go hide right here, you count." Or he asks Boyd to help him get into the hiding place and then try to find him. Too cute! Emmie loves to play chase with Walt, she just giggles as she runs.
Here is a little video from the one of the first days she was walking around, about a month ago. Enjoy!
When I ask Walter what he wants to do today often he tells me he wants to go to Charleston, which means he wants to go downtown. He loves a picnic at the pineapple fountain at waterfront park. In March, we went one pretty day as Emmie was taking some of her first unassisted steps. They had a great time running around together.

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