Walt and Emmie both started school at the beginning of September. Walt had been looking forward to going back for a while, I'm not too sure that Emmie knew what was happening. Walt is going 3 days this year, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays and even gets to stay for lunch. This has been such a big deal. He picked out his space lunch box and gets so excited every day about packing a lunch and eating with his friends. His teachers say that he is a pretty good eater, being the first one to finish his entire lunch to continue playing.

Emmie is going to Mother's Morning out on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The first day she went right in to play and was fine until another little boys gave her the ok to cry. Once she saw him screaming she let loose and screamed from 30-40 minutes. Goldfish fix most everything with Emmie and they worked that day too. This past Thursday, Emmie had a great day, no tears just playing! She tells me that she played with the babies at school. It occurred to me, that Emmie isn't referring just to the baby dolls, but the babies in her class. You see, she has only really played with 3 year olds (Walt and his friends), so I think she thinks she is 3 1/2 too and that the kids her age in her class are babies.
Paige - Your posts, and your kids, are always so precious! I hope I can be half the mom you are!
Paige, they are PRECIOUS! And growing up so quickly! Hope everything continues to go so well for them at school - how fun.
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