Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Walt played soccer again this year on a team of his buddies that he started playing with last year.  It is amazing the difference a year makes.  They have grown, changed, and gotten so good.  Last Year.  All season they dominated in the under 5 league, not that we keep score.  Before each game Walt would tell me he was going to score 100 goals, we pared it back to something attainable like 1 the first time, 2 the next week, 3 the following, etc.  The cool thing was, he would then score that many goals.  It was so fun to watch. 
still plenty of silliness by Walt

1 comment:

Martha said...

Hi Paige - I'm just catching up on your blog! Walt and Emmie are so adorable and grown up - I mean, Emmie will be 3 next month - where did the time go? Love, love, love seeing the pics. Hope you all have a great Christmas holiday! love, Martha